Healthy is the new hot!

"Everyday experience your beauty, your health, your gifts " unknown

Traveling the internet, I discovered this great blog The Champagne Diaries. It is the story of Cara Alwill Leyba, her struggles and self-esteem issues; dating men who were bad for her and trying every dieting option she could possibly get her hands on. Exhausted from this lifestyle, Cara reached out to a good friend that gave her the best advice “focus on eating rich, nutritious foods and exercise”. There is no diet that will do what eating healthy does.

It is an inspirational journey of self-acceptance, the celebration of life including the not so good stuff. As Cara says, “As long as I was eating healthy (most of the time) and working out regularly, I was treating my body with the utmost respect.” She discovered her individuality. We all have it a bio-individuality and an innate instinct that we need to respect in order to keep our body in balance. This is a key component to any life change we would like experience in order to restore harmony and create the life we deserve and want.

MindBodyGreen the e-magazine has featured one of Cara’s articles “Healthy is The New Skinny: How I Learned to Love Myself and My Body” It is very inspiring and worth reading.

Wishing you health and happiness!

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